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What about visiting French Polynesia, Micronesia, Chile and Puerto Rico in the next three weeks?

Island Conservation and friends would like to invite you to their online three-part “Island Journey”, to learn about their fantastic conservation projects.

On September 29th prepare your binocular and scuba gear to visit the Tetiaroa Atoll, French Polynesia, where you will join scientists and conservationists participating in this real-time project to save seabirds and coral reefs.

The second stop will be on October 6th at the Republic of Palau and Ulithi Atoll in the Federated States of Micronesia. On this Western part of the Pacific, check how native flora and fauna and healthy ecosystems are vital not only for the health of the island and surrounding waters, but for the livelihoods, wellbeing, and cultural practices of local communities.

On October 13th, meet them at Desecheo Island, Puerto Rico, and Chañaral Island, Chile. Learn about creative methods used to attract seabirds back to islands to re-establish once thriving colonies – including “a bird disco”!

If you would like to know more and join this amazing itinerary, please RSVP to See you there.

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