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Gene Driver Webinar Series: Watch the first webinar!

If you could not join the first panel of the Gene Drive Webinar Series, you can still watch the discussion here!

In this introductory session, Prof. Paul Thomas (University of Adelaide and SAHMRI) and Dr. Prasad Paradkar (CSIRO) addressed some of the most common questions related to gene drive, also providing a technical overview of how the technology works, its potential applications and research status. Ms. Krystal Birungi Mwesiga (Target Malaria, UVRI) moderated the discussion and ensuing Q&A.

The Gene Drive Webinar Series is an initiative of the Outreach Network for Gene Drive Research in partnership with ISAAA’s SEAsia Center. The series gathers specialists from all over the world aiming to contribute to an informed debate about gene drive.

The second webinar will take place on June 24 and will focus on gene drive application for conservation purposes. Watch this space for more information!

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