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Investment in innovation is India’s strategy to eliminate malaria by 2030

Tata Trust announced that its India Health Fund (IHF) has begun a nationwide search for innovations towards eliminating malaria in India. The initiative, called Malaria Quest, is particularly looking for innovative methods of vector control and personal protection as well as for technologies that can provide accurate estimates of risk and disease burden. Other priority areas are detection and diagnosis of malaria cases and improvement of logistical modalities and quality assurance of malaria consumables.

The IHF is actively seeking applications – Candidates should send their application by September 2, 2019. Selected projects will receive wide range of support, from funding to mentoring by a committee of experts for guidance on regulatory issues and market dynamics.

The initiative is partnered by The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria, the Asia Pacific Leaders Malaria Alliance Secretariat (APLMA), the Roll Back Malaria Partnership, and the Malaria Elimination Research Alliance India of the ICMR, and Social Alpha.

For more information about the application process visit the Tata Trust and India Health Found.

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