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New approaches are needed to address climate change effects on health

La Lancet Countdown recently launched its 2019 report tracking the effects of climate change on health. After analysing 41 indicators, researchers from 35 academic institutions and UN agencies concluded that the future of an entire generation depends on our ability to keep global warming below 2oC.

The impact of climate change on disease transmission is particularly concerning. Using 1950s data as reference, the climate suitability for malaria transmission averaged 29.9% above it from 2012 to 2017.

Overcoming this and other health challenges caused by climate change requires new approaches to policy-making, research and business, conclude the scientists. Health will have to be at the centre of decisions if we want to move away from current catastrophic trends. In this process, innovative tools such as gene drive can potentially complement current methods used to control vector-borne diseases, making a significant contribution to the eradication of malaria, dengue and others.

For more details, access the full report or watch its summary below.

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