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About Us

The Outreach Network for Gene Drive Research’s purpose is to raise awareness of the value of gene drive research for the public good. The network supports coordination among members, information sharing, and engagement with key stakeholders, in order to raise awareness of the value of gene drive research for the public good and of the need for continuous efforts in its advancement.

The Network’s members are researchers and organisations working on gene drive research for public interest, organisations involved in outreach, stakeholder engagement and other relevant fields, as well as funders or supporters of these activities.

Current members of the Network are Island Conservation (a Genetic Biocontrol of Invasive Rodents partner), Target MalariaBill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Ifakara Health Institute (IHI), The University of California Malaria Initiative, McMaster Institute on Ethics & Policy for Innovation, Malaria No More, The Pirbright InstituteInsect Genetics Group, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine (LSTM)Revive & Restore, Dr. Daniel Maeda, Department of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, University of Dar es Salaam, The Akbari Lab at UCSD, Advanced Conservation Strategies and Conservation X Labs.

All Members commit to the Network’s statement of mission and principle. The core activities of the network are supported by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. All the Members contribute to the Network through their participation in its activities, and/or through financial contribution to support specific activities. General support to the Network is provided by a Secretariat managed by Emerging Ag Inc.

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