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Draw the line against malaria!

Malaria is a life-threatening disease that kills over 400,000 people per year. Children under 5 are the most vulnerable group, accounting for 67% of the worldwide cases in 2019. Although it is a preventable and treatable disease, we are still far away from a malaria-free world.

In order to unite efforts and eliminate malaria in one generation, the pan-African movement Zero Malaria Starts With Me have launched the new campaign Draw the Line Against Malaria. The campaign calls for more action, innovation, and financial resources, inviting people around the world to draw the line against this disease and add their own piece of art to the monumental malaria mural at Join the movement!

You can also share the messages below and your artwork on social media:

Today I’m standing with @zeromalaria to #DrawTheLine against malaria. Let’s work together to end this disease in our generation and unleash our potential. Go to

I won’t let malaria steal our future anymore! It’s not fair that this deadly disease continues to put half the world in danger. I’m backing the new @zeromalaria to Draw The Line Against Malaria. Go to #DrawTheLine #ZeroMalariaStartswithMe

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