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Could we eradicate Anopheles stephensi in Africa?

Last week, I had the pleasure of participating in a webinar which tackled a critical question: Could we eradicate Anopheles stephensi in Africa?”. This webinar was the fifth in a series presented by the Resilience Against Future Threats (RAFT) through Vector Control project, led by the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM).   

Anopheles stephensi — an urban malaria vector originally native to parts of South Asia and the Arabian Peninsula — has recently expanded to the horn of Africa and is spreading across the continent. Unlike other predominant malaria vectors in Africa, An. stephensi thrives in urban, man-made environments, raising alarm due to its potential to disrupt malaria control efforts. Its resistance to several insecticides adds yet another layer of complexity to the challenge.

The webinar, which was expertly moderated by Leo Braack, Malaria Consortium, offered a platform to explore potential strategies to control this invasive mosquito species, with a focus on genetic approaches. My presentation covered gene drive technologies, an innovative approach which is being explored to tackle mosquitoes that are vectors of malaria, including An. stephensi. I explained how this technology could be developed, how it works, and why it is a promising tool for malaria control.

Gene drive technology works by rapidly introducing genetic traits into a mosquito population that can either affect the mosquitoes’ reproductive capacity — and thereby reduce their numbers — or make them incapable of transmitting the malaria parasite. Because the technology relies on the mosquito itself to do the work, it could offer a sustainable and equitable approach to malaria control, which could reach entire communities in an affected area. As they are self-sustaining, gene drive technologies could also be a cost-effective approach to control malaria vectors such as An. stephensi.

Other approaches highlighted in the webinar included the Sterile Insect Technique (SIT), which, as its name suggests, is a method that aims to reduce the population of mosquitoes that transmit disease by releasing large numbers of sterile male mosquitoes, which mate with wild female mosquitoes in a given area, without producing any offspring. Panelists highlighted the various components of this approach as well as how this could potentially be leveraged to target An. stephensi.

The webinar concluded with a stimulating panel discussion, delving into critical questions related to the path forward in addressing this emerging threat. Should a group be convened to assess the potential burden of An. stephensi and evaluate the potential cost of delayed interventions? The discussion underscored the urgency of addressing the threat of Anopheles stephensi, as postponing action could lead to significant public health and economic repercussions. The importance of building and strengthening local capacity to ensure effective implementation of genetic approaches to vector control and informed decision-making was also emphasized.

While there is consensus that no single solution will eliminate mosquito-borne diseases, the need for innovation to expand available options is clear. Achieving success will require complementary strategies and collaborative efforts.

If you missed it, you can watch the webinar here.

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