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The Network welcomes a new member: ACEME

We are excited to announce that the African Center for Excellence in Molecular Engineering (ACEME) has joined the Outreach Network for Gene Drive Research as its newest member. ACEME’s vision is for African scientists to be at the forefront of developing innovative solutions to fight vector-borne diseases on the continent.

The Center is being established at the Malaria Research and Training Center (MRTC) de l’ University of Sciences, Techniques, and Technologies of Bamako, Mali. Once operational, it will support global efforts to develop innovative approaches for vector control, by providing a setting for African scientists to learn and develop advanced skills in genetic engineering, including those related to the development of genetically modified mosquitoes.

The ACEME team is a multidisciplinary team of Malian researchers, which includes specialists in entomology, bioinformatics, epidemiology, ecology, regulation, stakeholder engagement and communication.

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