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Exploring innovative approaches for biodiversity conservation and health

Le 26th meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA) of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) will take place from May 13 to 18 in Nairobi, Kenya. On the margins of the meeting, the Outreach Network for Gene Drive research will be hosting a side event titled: “Exploring Innovative Approaches for Biodiversity Conservation and Health”. The event will take place on May 13, 1:15-2:45pm EAT. It will explore how collaborative, multidisciplinary efforts can be mobilized to address the current environmental and health crises in the context of growing challenges posed by climate change. 

The session will be moderated by Douglas Miano, University of Nairobi, and will feature presentations by Delphine Thizy, Coalition Team Zero Malaria, Carolina Torres Trueba, Island Conservation and Christine Muhanja, International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), Centre for Tropical Livestock Genetics and Health.

Join the conversation and follow live updates on the Network’s X account!

Access the full programme of side events here.

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