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New WHO report emphasises the need for novel tools to eradicate malaria

After three years studying malaria trends and future scenarios, the WHO Strategic Advisory Group on Malaria Eradication (SAGme) released its report – “Malaria eradication: benefits, future scenarios & feasibility” – with findings and recommendations to eradicate the disease. The study builds and expands on the executive summary published in August 2019.

There is a consensus that eliminating the disease would save millions of lives and generate a substantial return on investments. However, members of the Committee recognized we are still far from achieving this goal. One of their recommendations to advance the fight against malaria is to invest in research and development of novel tools. Using existing tools, there will still be 11 million malaria cases in Africa in 2050, according to the report’s most optimistic scenario.

The Committee makes five other recommendations: reinforce the Global technical strategy for malaria 2016-2030; increase access and improve health care and services; guarantee adequate and sustained financing; strengthen surveillance and response; and engage communities.

Download the full report here.

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