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Gene drive webinar series – Watch what specialists have to say about gene drive and public health!

If you could not join the third panel of the Gene Drive Webinar Series, you can still watch the discussion here!

Experts from the University of Cape Town, Duke-NUS Medical School, Polo di Genomica, Genetica e Biologia and National Health Research Institutes (Taiwan) gathered on July 8 to discuss whether gene drive could become a potential tool to eradicate vector-borne diseases. On the occasion, panellists discussed novel tools to improve public health and the potential and limitations of gene drive mosquitoes.

The Gene Drive Webinar Series is hosted in partnership with the ISAAA’s SEAsia Center. You can also watch Webinar 1 (introduction session on gene drive) and Webinar 2 (gene drive application for conservation purposes) of the series on Youtube!

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