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EFSA starts public consultation on gene drive organisms

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) started on February 17 a public consultation on its draft scientific opinion on gene drive organisms. The opinion aims to evaluate whether existing EFSA guidelines are adequate for the molecular characterization and environmental risk assessment of genetically modified insects with synthetically engineered gene drives. The opinion will inform the EU’s position at the next Conference of Parties of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD COP 15).

The draft scientific opinion can be found here. Comments should be sent by April 17, following this electronic template. EFSA will consider all the comments and incorporate them in the final opinion if found relevant. More information about the process is available on EFSA’s website.

In addition to the launch of the consultation, EFSA published the editorial “Advances in genetic engineering: EFSA public consultations in 2020” and a topic page on advancements in biotechnology, including a video on gene drive “Understanding Science”.

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