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Call for papers: US gene drive governance

The journal Health Security will publish a special edition on gene drive governance in the US. The journal is calling for papers exploring policy, practice, and research issues relevant to the topic, as well as reviews of specific US policies related to gene drives and emergent biotechnologies. The deadline for submissions is May 31.

Suggested topics are:


  • Scoping the need for further US oversight measures or regulation of gene drives, all genetic pest control methods, and related biotechnological methods such as biological pest control
  • A review of the US relationship with the Cartagena protocol and similar treaties as they apply to gene drives and similar technologies
  • The proper location and funding in the US regulatory structure for gene drive and related emerging biotechnology monitoring and oversight
  • The role of nongovernment organizations regarding gene drives and other emergent biotechnologies
  • The role of state and local regulations
  • Public engagement and identification of stakeholders regarding gene drives and similar biotechnologies
  • The need for technical documentation and coordination between multiple parties intervening in the same geographic region or pest species

Selected articles will be published in the November – December 2021 issue of the journal. Original article manuscripts can be up to 4,000 words and commentaries can be up to 2,000 words, both exclusive of the abstract, tables, figures, and references. For more submission instructions, visit the journal’s website.

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